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January 26, 2024
“AI won’t replace humans but humans with AI are going to replace humans without AI” – Professor Karim Lakhani, Harvard Business School When Professor Lakhani made this statement, it was more than a nod to the tectonic shifts in technology, it was a clarion call to professionals. The underlying message? Growth. In our age of rapid...
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Have you ever wondered why a colleague’s surprise compliment or an unexpected project success feels so rewarding? The secret lies in our brain’s love for the unexpected – a principle that can be a powerful tool in management. Let’s dive into the neuroscience behind surprise and delight and how it can transform your leadership style....
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Private clubs are communities bound by shared interests, traditions, and objectives. Yet, the challenges and complexities faced by private club board members today go beyond sustaining these communities; they must navigate the club’s journey towards sustainable growth and resilience. The dual elements that fuel this journey, strategic planning and budgeting, demand our attention. However, as...
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